A7_C5–Another plot providing insight of showing the depth of a cavity A6_9u–A zoomed out image of a microchip showing fibers as well as cavities of the whole array A5_2nd–Another 3-D scan showing some cavities A3_C4–This is a 2-D graph showing how to find the depth of a cavity A2_3rd–This image is a 3-D scan showing in great detail cavities found A1_1st–This 2-D scan from the AFM shows 2 cavities and the scale to determine the depth SEM images of nanocomposites 3D image of VACNF after temperature treatment 3D image of individual VACNF Automated Temperature Testing of Cooked Meat Products–Simulation of the Industrial Process Automated Temperature Testing of Cooked Meat Products–Screen from HMI Developed for Laboratory Experiments Automated Temperature Testing of Cooked Meat Products–Laboratory Experiment Setup Schematic of nanoindentation–indent a thin biological sample by a conic probe Schematic of CNT-ISFET–1. drain, 2. source, 3. Si substrate, 4. SWCNT, 5. MWCNT, 6. insulator, 7. metal, 8. reference electrode, 9. solution, 10. electroactive membrane, and 11. encapsulate Schematic of AFM-based nanoscratching–(1) piezo scanner for XYZ movement, (2) cantilever, (3) diamond tip, (4) silicon, (5) nanochannel, (6) laser, and (7) four-quadrant PSD Schematic of AFM-based nanoscratching–(1) piezo scanner for XYZ movement, (2) cantilever, (3) diamond tip, (4) silicon, (5) nanochannel, (6) laser, and (7) four-quadrant PSD
Automated Temperature Testing of Cooked Meat Products–Screen from HMI Developed for Laboratory Experiments
Schematic of CNT-ISFET–1. drain, 2. source, 3. Si substrate, 4. SWCNT, 5. MWCNT, 6. insulator, 7. metal, 8. reference electrode, 9. solution, 10. electroactive membrane, and 11. encapsulate
Schematic of AFM-based nanoscratching–(1) piezo scanner for XYZ movement, (2) cantilever, (3) diamond tip, (4) silicon, (5) nanochannel, (6) laser, and (7) four-quadrant PSD
Schematic of AFM-based nanoscratching–(1) piezo scanner for XYZ movement, (2) cantilever, (3) diamond tip, (4) silicon, (5) nanochannel, (6) laser, and (7) four-quadrant PSD