MEEG 2703 – Computer Methods in Mechanical Engineering
Use of computers and programming for solving engineering problems. Basic numerical methods including errors, equation solution, matrices, optimization, regression, integration, and differential equations.
MEEG 3113 – Fundamentals of Vibrations
Time and frequency domain mathematical techniques for linear system vibrations are reviewed. Undamped system and viscously damped systems are analyzed. Equations of motion of single and multiple degrees-of-freedom systems are studied. Vibration of multi-degree-of-freedom systems is analyzed using modal analysis and modal summation methods. Eigenvalue problems as related vibrations are studied.
MEEG 3223 – Introduction to Mechatronics
This course is an introduction to design and control the mechatronic system, which requires the integration of mechanical and electrical knowledge within a unified framework. The topics covered in this course include basic electronics, diodes, transistors, power amplifiers, digital logic, operation amplifier, motor design, encoder, and programming in Arduino.
MEEG 4182 – Creative Project Design I
Students will select a capstone design project, and each student group will prepare a formal written proposal on their project for presentation to a panel of judges. This group project will be carried to completion in MEEG 4192.
MEEG 4192 – Creative Project Design II
Students choose their capstone project from a list of approved engineering problems. During the course of two semesters, students will learn and apply the design process along with project management skills to deliver the solution on time and on budget as a team. For the first semester (CP1) the team will focus on the design of the best solution and development of a complete engineering package necessary to move forward. In the final semester (CP2) the team will implement and test the performance of their solution.
MEEG 4213 – Control of Mechanical Systems
Mathematical modeling for feedback control of dynamic mechanical systems with design techniques using LaPlace transforms, state variables, root locus, frequency analysis, and criteria for performance and stability.
MEEG 4253 – Introduction to Robotics
This course serves as an introduction to robotics. The course covers the historical development of robotics as a field, and as mechatronic systems, the importance of integrating sensors, actuators, and end-effectors. Topics covered in this course will include but are not limited to the following: mathematical modeling of robots, rigid motions and homogeneous transformation, forward/inverse kinematics, and velocity kinematics.
MEEG 5203 – Robot Modeling and Simulation
This is a graduate-level course in Robotics dealing with the behavioral study of robots. Topics covered in this course will include but are not limited to the following: mathematical modeling of robots, rigid motions, and homogeneous transformation, forward/inverse kinematics of robots, velocity kinematics, path and trajectory planning, robot dynamics, joint control, PD/PID control, and multivariable control. Advanced topics may include passivity-based motion control, geometric nonlinear control, computer vision, vision-based control, and sensor fusion.